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Gyasi: "Good Performance, we have to restart from here"

Gyasi: "Good Performance, we have to restart from here"

03 May 2023 - 22:08
03 May 2023 - 22:08
Eagles captain Emmanuel Gyasi returned to scoring in Serie A precisely in the match against Atalanta, the team against which he had scored his first goal of the season in the first leg. At the final whistle, these are his statements: "Spezia seen today is what we want to see in the last few games, because the performance was against a very strong opponent, who is fighting for the top positions. The applause and the We are very pleased with the union with our fans, because it means that we are all going in the same direction.We have to start from this to better prepare for the next match against Cremonese, which is of fundamental importance for our progress.
I'm happy to be back on goal, I needed it, because for a striker, scoring is like regaining confidence. The dedication absolutely goes to my son and my girlfriend, but it's a pity it didn't help to earn points. In any case, what I am convinced of is that on my part, as well as on the part of the whole team, there will be all the desire to fight until the end to reach our goal.
We have to continue with performances of this type, in which blood is spit and we fight for all the balls, this is what people rightly ask us and I think we saw it on the pitch today. But we must always keep our attention high, which perhaps was missing when we returned to the field in the second half.
I know how we work, both us and our staff, everyone gives their soul to give their best and score points. We are happy with today's performance, because Spezia has been determined and convinced again, sorry that we go home without points, but we are increasingly aware that salvation is well within our reach.
We will go to Cremona to battle, we have a single result which is victory and we will give everything to achieve it, fighting together, side by side".