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D'angelo: "Against a healthy team we will need to take the game"

D'angelo: "Against a healthy team we will need to take the game"

06 May 2024 - 12:39
06 May 2024 - 12:39
On the eve of the away match against Cosenza, the Aquilotto coach Luca D'Angelo commented on his team's momentum: "We don't have problems with the recovery of players, they are all well, some are more tired but that is an evaluation we will make tomorrow.
The team will have to try to play the game and think only about that, because we will have to do our best. We will face a strong and healthy team, but we need points and we must try to get them tomorrow.
I think tomorrow we will need to play the right game, both from a defensive point of view and when we are in possession of the ball; all my players are ready to play, either from the start or in the running game.
Tutino is certainly a strong player, but he's not the only one in Cosenza: we know it won't be easy but we want to get a result at all costs.
Antonucci started very well with me, then an injury kept him out for a while and over time he struggled to return. Circumstances then led him to look for more space elsewhere, but there was absolutely no problem with him, neither footballing nor personal.
I only think about salvation, I am only focused on that, as are all the members of my team.
I don't want to make appeals to other teams for a clear end to the season, I don't think it's necessary."