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D'angelo: "Focused only on our own match: we are ready to give everything"

D'angelo: "Focused only on our own match: we are ready to give everything"

13 May 2024 - 10:00
13 May 2024 - 10:00
On the eve of the last league match against Venezia, Aquilotto coach Luca D'Angelo comments on his team's moment in the game as follows: “We have to think only about our own pitch and do the best we can, trying to play a good game against a very strong opponent. This has to be our main thought, we won't be watching what will happen on the other pitches because there is no use, the important thing is to stay focused only on ourselves.
Tactics change every game, the other day we wanted to start strong and after one minute we found ourselves immediately under, so the game changed, regardless of what we had in mind. On paper this is something that matters, but then you have to see what happens on the field during the game.
The boys are very happy with the presence of the fans, both today in Follo and tomorrow at the stadium, they will give us a big hand, of that I have no doubt.
The team is fine from the mental point of view, let's see if we can recover some players, but from the physical point of view everyone is very well.

Regarding Nikolaou's absence I say that fortunately we have many central defenders who can play in his place and replace him.
It is important to score goals, regardless of the role the players play, we always work on it, from the size of the cross to the shot, to insertions, to cuts, in fact in the Cosenza challenge it went well because in addition to the goal we had a lot of chances to score.
The use of Elia and Reca at the same time is a possible solution, because they are two players who are good in all phases, however, we have other alternatives to put on the field during the match, we have to evaluate.
Do I feel that Verde feels the weight of the team on his shoulders? If you are referring to the penalty, I have nothing to say and moreover we scored right afterwards. In any case he cares a lot about Spezia and the season we are living, he will have his chance tomorrow as well to have his say, either from the start or in the game in progress, but for us he is a very important player.
Venezia is a very strong team, they are doing well and have had a beautiful championship; they are well coached, they have been assembled well and the players are really strong. However, we know what we want and we will give it our all.
Tomorrow we need the points regardless of the opponent and we have to in all ways bring them to our side. I am sure the players will think only about the game, the physical and mental effort will be so strong that there will be no way to think about other situations.”