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Mühl: ""

Mühl: ""

17 August 2023 - 18:27

Immediately after the presentation of Pio Esposito, it was the turn of the newly appointed Aquilotto defender Lukas Mühl, already a starter in the debut match against Venezia, who spoke to the press microphones saying that he was very happy and energized for the upcoming start of the championship. 
Again, it was Chief Football Officer Eduardo Macia who broke the ice: "Now we are introducing a very experienced player, with over 200 games as a professional at just 26 years old. A player who has boasted over 30 starting games per season for years, so we are talking about an athlete of consistency and great depth. Lukas grew up in the youth sector of Nuremberg, until he made it to the first team on a permanent basis; a setting defender, very intelligent, able to command the department and read situations. As soon as he arrived, he immediately played 120 minutes, in a very difficult game against an important attack, where he was able to play intelligently."
The floor was then passed to Lukas Mühl: "I am very happy to be here, the first days at Spezia were very positive, both for the welcome I received from the club and the welcome the locker room was able to give me. It was very helpful for me to get out on the field first 45' against Mallorca and then 120' against Venezia to integrate myself better in the group and understand what the coach wants from us.

For me it was a real pleasure to land in Italian soccer, which I have always followed with great admiration, I think that for a defender to play in Italy is one of the ways to grow and improve faster, because there are very strong players and the level is really high. When Spezia sought me out I had no doubts that it was the right choice, this represents a really important step in my career for me. 
I really like the idea of coach Alvini's game, because when you play an offensive game the team stays very high, you take some more risks and I like this aspect very much, the advantage of this idea of soccer is that there are several players who can score, while behind you give space to one-on-one. 
Physically I am fine, at the beginning of course it was not easy because during the pre-season I trained alone, so it was not easy to find myself catapulted into a new situation, but I think I have shown so far that my physical condition is more than good, both against Mallorca and Venice I felt good, and I think the percentage is very high.
I like to talk to my teammates, it is crucial for defenders to communicate with each other and to organize the game with precision, and this aspect I want to create here as well; playing one-on-one with the striker is exciting for me, because in every play you have your task to do and you have everything in your hands. 

With Nikolaou I get on very well, we have a lot of balance together, when one goes up the other stays down and vice versa; I also like him a lot as a defender, he has great qualities and I must say I am getting on really well alongside him. 
In Italy soccer is more tactically evolved, in Germany and Austria the game was less qualitative, here every player has his task on the field and there are many players with important characteristics; the level is high, this is shown by the many strong teams in the Serie B league. However, we have to look only at ourselves, we will work hard with great attention, the goal is to take the field to always win, it will not be easy, but we will do everything to achieve our goals. 
For me it is important to have stepped out of my comfort zone, that is also why I accepted this new challenge, which seemed very competitive right away. In these first weeks I am beginning to integrate myself in the area, I have visited the city several times and I must say that I like it very much, as well as the team and in general, this whole new exciting adventure".