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The point about the Eagle youth sector with Davide Caliaro

The point about the Eagle youth sector with Davide Caliaro

22 September 2023 - 17:06

The Eagles' youth season has already seen the Primavera and Under-17 teams take the field in their respective leagues, and this weekend it will be the turn of the Under-16 and Under-15 teams to make their season debut. Taking the floor was the Head of the Youth Sector of the Eagles, Davide Caliaro, to present the themes of the 2023-2024 season.
- What is the goal of the Eagles' youth teams and what should we expect?
The individual improvement of boys and girls remains our main goal, to try to bring as many of them as possible into professional soccer. This is a long, difficult and elite path. It takes great balance and patience on the part of all involved. What we expect is to work conscientiously and seriously, for the good of the club and all the boys/girls.
- The confirmation of an icon like Coach Vecchio, but also the graft of Claudio Terzi, promotion captain and tenth in terms of appearances in the white jersey. How important is it to transmit the Club's values to the younger generation, including through the direct experiences of its coaches?

Values always make a difference. They help build the human depth above which the athlete must grow. All the more so, the values that define the identity of the Club are fundamental for the present and the future, and in this sense having figures who have embodied these values on the field is an important plus in conveying the identity of a Club to younger people. In addition, the contribution that many other figures provide from this point of view is equally fundamental, such as the grassroots activity staff, figures who are often less well known to the public, but who know very well what the Club's DNA is and are very aware of how important it is to transmit it in the right way.
- At the head of the Under 16 a return, that of Riccardo Corallo, while in the Under 15 the confirmation of coach Migliorini.

These are two coaches who have already shown great competence and dedication in the past. Under the guidance of head coach Stefano Ghisleni they will carry on together with Beppe Vecchio and Claudio Terzi the path of the boys of the national levers. We are sure that their contribution to the boys' growth will be as fundamental as it has been in the past. Just as very important will be the beginning of the competitive path represented by the U14 lever, led by another confirmation as coach Marco Giunta. In addition, I think it is also very important to mention all the members of the staffs and the health, performance, scouting and secretarial areas, whose work is often as obscure as it is valuable.

- What aspects do you need to watch out for instead with younger children and what should be the mission of the coaching staff?
The basic activity levers are in very good hands. Both the head of basic activity Paolo Rovani and the technical head of basic activity Maurizio Pertusi have experience and clear ideas about what needs to be taken into the utmost consideration when interacting and working with particularly young age groups. Introducing young players to a professional environment and making them understand what it means is perhaps one of the most necessary and delicate steps. Conveying humility, spirit of sacrifice and determination is an increasingly difficult task, but we are confident that we have the right people to do it.

- An analysis regarding the relationship with the territory and a few words also about the Spezia Academy project.
The relationship with the territory is one of the central aspects of any youth sector, and it must be taken care of continuously and continuously improved. There are many clubs in the territory that love Spezia, and this is very important. It is precisely in this sense that the Academy project was conceived in which the club makes itself available to clubs in the territory, from the training point of view and beyond. We try, according to the needs of the clubs, to involve the different professionalism of Spezia Calcio, calling into play not only technicians, but also athletic trainers, goalkeeper trainers and psychologists.

- In Serie B, Spezia Calcio's squad is the youngest in the tournament, with youngsters from the nursery such as Bertola, Pietra, and Candelari, not forgetting the goalkeepers of the national Under 18 team, Mascardi and Plaia. Definitely an important synergy for the development of the club and the growth of young talent.
This is the final goal of a long and complex path, so lucidity, patience and balance are fundamental. We must work in this direction to make SG more and more an important asset for the Club and to be available to the needs of the First Team.