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Spezia summer camp: Day 2 and Day 3

Spezia summer camp: Day 2 and Day 3

12 June 2024 - 17:59
12 Jun 2024 - 17:59
Spezia summer camp: Day 2 and Day 3
The Spezia Summer Camp continues with great enthusiasm on the grounds of the "Ferdeghini" Sports Center as we have now reached the halfway point of the first week. A beautiful sunshine accompanied the boys and girls on the second and third days, during which we closely followed the intermediate group, the one composed of the 2014 and 2015 vintages, and the older group, composed instead of the 2011, 2012 and 2013. 
Purely technical training sessions for the first group, led by the duo of coaches Mattia Terenzoni and Matteo Antonietto, who tested the young athletes with technical games, ball possession drills and dribbling tests. At the end, space of course for themed matches on a reduced field.
The second group, led instead by Davide Bellini and Mattia Nardi, played different types of guides in ball conducting, first single and then with dribbling, followed by one-on-one and two-on-two duels. In the afternoon, after the lunch break, the boys and girls returned to the field, where the various technical games were followed by several small field matches. 
Thus closed the second and third days of the Spezia Summer Camp, which returned in this new edition with the usual passion that has always distinguished it.