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Spezia-Rome: Tuesday, Jan. 10 to Thursday, Jan. 12 active presale for Eagle Card holders

Spezia-Rome: Tuesday, Jan. 10 to Thursday, Jan. 12 active presale for Eagle Card holders

10 January 2023 - 17:12
10 Jan 2023 - 17:12
Notice is hereby given that from 12:00 noon on Tuesday, January 10, tickets will be available for the Spezia-Roma match, scheduled at the "Alberto Picco" stadium on Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:00 pm.
In the first phase of sales, from January 10 to January 12, the pre-emption reserved for Eagle Card holders will be active, who will be able to purchase up to 4 tickets with each Eagle code.
It is specified that for purchase at, the Eagle Card number must be entered in the "Coupon Code" field.
Eagle Card codes of 2022/23 season ticket holders are also active, and they will be able to purchase for other people. 
Communications about the free sale phase will follow.



UNDER 25 **

OVER 65 ***

UNDER 14 ****


Autorità *

200 €





75 €

55 €

55 €

35 €


60 €

45 €

45 €

30 €



55 €

40 €

40 €

35 €


50 €

35 €

35 €

30 €


45 €

30 €

30 €

25 €


Curva Ferrovia 

20 €

15 €

15 €

12 €

Curva Piscina 

20 €

15 €

15 €

12 €

* Authority Grandstand tickets include access to the hospitality area from two hours before the game with "all inclusive" food & drink. Availability is limited. 
For information and to purchase contact the Spezia Calcio Ticket Office.
- Eagle Line: +39 392 2046654 - Purchase via WhatsApp
- email:
** Under 25 reduction is reserved for those under 25 years of age at the time of purchase. 
*** The Over 65 reduction is reserved for those who are 65 years of age or older at the time of purchase. 
**** The Under 14 reduction is reserved for those who have not turned 14 at the time of purchase. 
Please note that up to the age of 5, admission is free. Children must be accompanied by a season ticket or paying adult, who must show a valid ID and the child's health card at the entrance. Inside the stadium, in case of non-availability of a seat, the child will necessarily have to sit on the legs of the accompanying person. 
At Vivaticket outlets;
Spezia Calcio Ticket Office:
- Eagle Line: +39 392 2046654 - Buy via WhatsApp
In order to speed up procedures and facilitate controls, it is recommended to have the access ticket (Eagle Card or ticket) and a valid ID at hand.
All fans are required to comply with current regulations, including the following requirements:
Go to the stadium well in advance.Respect the assigned seat.Follow stewards' directions at all times.
You can view the stadium regulations via the following link

All Eagle Card holders who have encountered problems in reading the card during access to the "Alberto Picco" stadium due to an error in the printing of the aforementioned cards, which bear a bar code with a reduced size compared to the classic format, will be able to pick up a sticker bearing the corresponding enlarged bar code to be affixed to their Eagle Card, so as to make it read correctly by the turnstiles.
The stickers can be picked up at the ticket office on Viale Fieschi
Friday, Jan. 13, from 4:30 to 7 p.m.
Friday, Jan. 20, from 4:30 to 7 p.m.
Those who have purchased the Eagle Card online, can write now to indicating its number (0712..).