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Salvatore Esposito: presentation press conference

Salvatore Esposito: presentation press conference

24 January 2023 - 14:58
24 Jan 2023 - 14:58
A press conference was held this morning at the 'Bruno Ferdeghini' Sports Center for the presentation of Salvatore Esposito, who has already featured in the white jersey in the last two matches played by the Eagles.
As usual, the presentation was introduced by the Club's Chief Football Officer Eduardo Macia: "We present today our second purchase of the winter market, Salvatore Esposito, who arrives from Spal, from Serie B, and boasts a great background for a young player like him. A central midfielder, with great personality in handling the ball and setting up and especially in anticipating to read game situations. He is a very important piece for us and for the future of the club, and we are 100 percent convinced that he will make his contribution to the club's growth. His conviction to come to us made a difference in the negotiations and so we are very happy to be here today."
The floor was then passed to Salvatore Esposito: "For me, that of Spezia was an easy choice, I felt it was the right step for my career and I must say that it was enough for me to speak once with the directors to understand the importance of the project and the club where I was going. I am very happy to have arrived here, I have a great desire to show my qualities. 
I was welcomed in a fantastic way, I felt great from the first days and this is not taken for granted as a thing. On the rhythms of Serie A certainly something has changed compared to the cadet league, I am trying to work to be able to drop with all of myself into the category. Here I have found a beautiful environment, which tastes very much like a family, I am getting comfortable with my teammates and with coach Gotti, I am trying to put myself at his disposal to try to meet his guidelines. 
I have only good words for the city of Ferrara, for my former teammates and my former coach, I have to thank all of them if I am here in Spezia today. De Rossi has always been my idol as a child, I'm glad if over the years I have been compared to him, but with comparisons you always have to tread lightly. We are talking about a player who at the age of 22 won a World Cup, who was a great champion, for me it would be a dream to achieve even a part of the goals he achieved as a player. 
I spoke with the coach already in the post-match in Bergamo, he made me understand what he wants from me, on what I need to improve in order to try to get into the automatisms of this team in the best way. I am happy to have made my Serie A debut, too bad I lost that ball that cost dearly on the second goal, but everyone calmed me down, reminding me that this is all part of the journey. Fortunately, as the game went on I still managed to melt the ice and get into the swing of things.
My family passed on to us this great passion for football, always reminding me to respect values such as loyalty and having fun, things that I think are fundamental for someone playing at this level. Values that I have always had and that I am glad to have. 
Wherever I have been I have tried to learn as much as possible and to improve myself, if I have to say a coach who impressed me the most was De Rossi, whom I had at Spal. He always gave me great advice and a great relationship was immediately established with him. 
The Italian national team more than a goal is a dream, I am part of the Under 21 group and I am very proud of that. I consider myself a lucky player because in the first team we have a coach who looks a lot at young Italian players, but I am already very satisfied to be part of the Under 21. I have a great hunger to establish myself in Serie A, I made a path that started from the bottom, starting from Serie C and going through Serie B. Today I am in Serie A with the desire to prove my worth to this club and show that I can be part of it.
It was exciting to get to know the fans up close, at the Picco I had already been there as an opponent and it has always been a stadium that has always impressed me. Our fans have always pushed us, throughout the match, and this is a fundamental aspect for a team that wants to save itself. I think it is very important to be able to count on a fan base like that.
In closing the presentation, the floor returned to director Macia: "Today's football is very intense and requires absolute concentration. You also have to work on aspects that in football you used to not work on: on attention, on quick movements, on getting decisions right on the pitch, being quick in thinking and making the right decisions. It takes a lot of responsiveness in today's football. 
I expect that other players can also go the way of Kiwior. It was a strange situation due to the long break for the World Cup in Qatar. The important thing was for us to have that strength to choose together with the player his future path. It was an opportunity that we could not say no to, it is true that it was a bit early to lose him in January, but I can assure you that there was a long and careful work behind it. In addition, I can tell you that it was also very nice the way all the teammates celebrated him, evidence of a united group and how it is clear to everyone that from Spezia you can take off to great clubs, without the need for another intermediate step."