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Rachid Kouda guest of I.C. "Dante Alighieri" in Aulla

Rachid Kouda guest of I.C. "Dante Alighieri" in Aulla

12 March 2024 - 16:03
12 Mar 2024 - 16:03
Rachid Kouda guest of I.C. "Dante Alighieri" in Aulla
The synergy between Spezia Calcio and local institutes continues, and this morning, at the Tobagi Council Chamber of the Municipality of Aulla, Aquilotto midfielder Rachid Kouda was warmly welcomed by the students of the first classes of I.C. "Dante Alighieri" as part of the "Io Calciatore" project, in the presence of Aulla Mayor Roberto Valettini, Vice Mayor Roberto Cipriani, Sports Delegate Alessandro Andellini, School Headmistress Silvia Bennati and teacher Laura Penuti.
Numerous questions were asked by the hundred or so pupils present, who did not leave out any topic: from childhood, to the sacrifices to become a professional soccer player, from the biggest dream to the emotions felt in making his debut in big league soccer and scoring in the Serie B, touching then also on passions outside the green rectangle:
"Since I was a child, I have made many sacrifices to cultivate my passion and even in the most difficult moments I have never wavered, because soccer besides being my job is my greatest passion and I could never be without it. My family has been instrumental, they have always supported me, even though leaving home was difficult and the night before I moved to Cagliari we all cried together, even though we knew it was the right thing to do for my future and my professional and personal growth," began Rachid Kouda, who then continued, "The call from Spezia? I did not want to believe it and I can say that it was a call that made my eyes shine. I arrived on tiptoe in an important square and initially I won't hide that I had a little fear, but once on the field I abandoned it and every day I always try to improve and contribute to the cause.
Study? I would like to start university, maybe not right away, but it's something I promised myself I would do because studying is important for anyone, even for us soccer players. 
The strongest soccer player I've played with so far is definitely Daniele Verde, an extraordinary talent and he is proving it this season as well; I don't have any jubilation, because scoring is so beautiful and exciting that I try to freely enjoy everything that springs up after the ball has swelled the net.
Social media? I don't read the comments, either good or bad, because you should never be influenced by those who write behind a keyboard, and this applies both to us sportsmen, who are always in the spotlight, but also to every individual.
My parents are both from Burkina Faso, but I grew up in Carate Brianza, although I have been a few times in their country of origin and I must say that my cousins, my grandparents and all the people there have always made me feel at home.
Personally, I really like it when people stop me in the street, and I remember when I myself used to do that when I met my idols, and I always try to be very helpful to everyone.
Our fans are exceptional, you can feel an incredible passion and they have always supported us, even in away matches, always pushing us to give our best; I believe that when things go wrong the booing is fair and understandable, it's up to us to turn it into applause, but to do that we have to work and improve what hasn't worked so far: it's from this continuous exchange that we can draw the strength to reach our goals".
Finally, the unfailing autograph moment, with the very young fans who did not miss the opportunity to get to know the Aquilotto player up close, taking photos alongside him and getting autographed the numerous gadgets donated by the Aquilotto club to celebrate the event in the best possible way.