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19 June 2024 - 15:45
19 Jun 2024 - 15:45
The agreement between Spezia Calcio, presented this morning by CEO Andrea Gazzoli, and TUB Design, an esteemed La Spezia company owned by Emanuele Martera, which boasts important collaborations in Italy and Europe, was presented in the new hospitality of the "Alberto Picco" stadium. TUB Design will be primarily responsible for the path that will lead to the definitive restyling of the official logo of the club in Via Melara and the branding of the renovated city facility, always respecting the tradition and history of the Eagles.
Pride, belonging, respect for the club's tradition and, above all, maximum sharing with the fans and the city, in order to create a shared path that will lead to results that everyone can be satisfied with: these are the focal points to follow in order to hand down its history, while winking at the present and the future, making the most of Spezia Calcio's identity.
History to be handed down also through the celebrations for the anniversary of the victory of the '44 Scudetto, which this year will see the 80th anniversary of that legendary achievement of VVF Spezia and which will see a series of events dedicated to the training of coach Barbieri, with the aim of handing down its exploits to the youngest and to those who still do not know one of the most beautiful and romantic pages of world sport.