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Press Conference by president Philip Platek

Press Conference by president Philip Platek

11 June 2024 - 16:51
11 Jun 2024 - 16:51
At the new hospitality room of the “Alberto Picco” stadium, Spezia Calcio President Philip Platek spoke at the media conference. These are his statements, “We have confirmed the coach, the works at the ‘Alberto Picco’ stadium, including those related to the coverage of the Curva Ferrovia are in progress and in the last few days we have made several in-depth studies, not only related to the sports part, in fact we have studied several initiatives and also worked on the commercial plan, so much so that I am very happy to be able to communicate that SPIGAS CUSTOMERS will continue to be the main sponsor for next season.
We are working a lot on the market strategy and consolidation of the club, both from the sporting and financial point of view, and we want to continue on the path taken in the last winter market. 
Already in the January conference we had talked about the difficulties found in the transition phase between Serie A and Serie B, a phase that requires preparation and adjustment, and which saw us face real difficulties, from which we managed to emerge, thanks to the commitment and unity of all parties involved and the winter operated market that helped us find the right course to follow.
We were not happy with the results initially, but a lot of work was done in the winter market, and in the second half of last season we saw the improvement, with the team becoming more competitive and motivated and finishing on a crescendo, eventually achieving a well-deserved direct salvation on a magical night against Venezia.

Let's say that part of the future goal is Serie A, as shown by the option that Coach D'Angelo has in his contract, but this must always be achieved through what are the necessary steps, such as making the club more financially and economically sustainable, and going through some fundamental steps in the sports area, such as precisely the long-term confirmation of the coach. It is important for us to take the right steps, without rushing: let's remember that a strong investment can often work as well as not, sometimes it brings results and sometimes less, and for us what matters right now is to have confirmed the coach and to have created a foundation for a competitive team, like the one we saw in the second part of the season, despite the fact that there was a reduction in salaries; the important thing is to choose the right players and functional to our project, consolidating day by day and growing together on all points of view.
It is obvious that to be completely satisfied with last season is impossible, but in spite of this I believe that the technical management took the right path in January and even the coach, fresh from his renewal, said he was happy with the technical area, so no changes will be made, but we will continue united to follow up on what we did in January. 
Investing in the market and European soccer is still a good idea, a difficult process that I hope will continue to remain a good idea.

It is obvious that I am not at all happy with the increase in costs regarding the stadium, even though they were budgeted for, not even with the lengthening of the time due to some issues that prolonged the final success of the project, but now we are in the optimal phase and the stadium will be finished and complete shortly to everyone's delight. I can certainly say that I always look like a happy person, but during the course of this project I have not always been.
It will be important to confirm the January block, the structure of the team will be that. A foundation has been laid that we want to maintain, then it is normal that there will be the summer market, with some players receiving offers, some will be confirmed, some will not, but it is part of the process of creating the squad we want. It's also important to talk about sustainability, often people are asked to spend without thinking about that aspect, but it's not just about investment, because there are also revenues that vary from period to period, think for example of the very current issue of television rights.
The good relationship with the fans has always been a goal, and there are many initiatives to have the stadium full at every game, just as there will be many initiatives for young people and for schools, with events that will have the presence of the players, so aimed at creating more involvement and more presence in the area.

For the marketing area, a process is ongoing, it is a very important area as far as our strategy is concerned, and therefore it needs time to stabilize and follow the right path; in the meantime, I can say that, as I had already anticipated in January, we have commissioned an agency to study and modify the logo, keeping in mind, however, the fans, the spirit of the city and the expectations required: more communication and more sharing has been requested, and we are trying to continue on that path.
In addition, we want to emphasize the Club's history, with reference to the most important players, the pages of history and the most significant images, certainly starting with the celebrations for the '44 Scudetto, which will culminate in the naming of the Tribune after that legendary team.
The problem of timing is not only the responsibility of the club, often not acting with the required speed, but also due to various factors that are external to our society. As far as the soccer market is concerned, when it comes to negotiations with other clubs, everything does not always go according to plan and therefore goals can change in the process, but I repeat, it is a process that does not depend only on us, but on market dynamics."