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Eddie Salcedo and Aimar Sher: press conference of the young Eagles

Eddie Salcedo and Aimar Sher: press conference of the young Eagles

12 October 2021 - 16:53
12 Oct 2021 - 16:53
Eddie Salcedo and Aimar Sher: press conference of the young Eagles

The press conference of Eddie Salcedo and Aimar Sher was held today in the "Rino Capellazzi" room of the Ferdeghini Training Center.

The first to speak was the forward number 29, Eddie Salcedo: "I'm sure I can give a lot to this team, I've already been on the field, and I always do my best to be ready for the coach. I have a good relationship with him, and I try to give 100% to show him I want to play.

That's important at the moment is to stay united, to have a solid group, and to share a single goal: we must support each other and give our best every day, without getting discouraged, but always believing in ourselves because salvation is within our reach.

The fact that we have a large offensive department is a positive factor, it creates a healthy competition that allows us to maintain high concentration and give our best: it is very stimulating, both for me and for my teammates. What I have to do is to stay focused on my goal, which is the same as the team's, and I'll work hard every day to achieve it.

The synergy we have with the Primavera team is something useful and formative, I was happy to make my debut with them too, I'm sorry for the defeat, but it was still a good experience.

My condition? I feel good, I'm ready, I'm training as hard as I can to make the most of every opportunity I get and to give support to the team.

We're a group of young boys, but we also have a good head on our shoulders. We're at the disposal of the coach who, despite being very young, has great experience and is a role model for us.

Serie A is a difficult league if you're at the bottom of the table, the overall level has risen, but we're a strong team and we haven't given our 100% yet: we just have to believe and not let ourselves go, and I'm sure we'll reach the salvation."

Number 31 born in 2002, Aimar Sher, continued: "Making my debut in Serie A was a dream for me, even though the game ended with a negative result because for my career it was an important step that I will always remember. I'm happy to be part of such a high-level league and I'm sure we'll have many opportunities to show our strength and redeem ourselves after the negative result at the 'Bentegodi'.

When my father and my agent told me that Spezia was interested in me it was a big surprise; at first, I was in shock, but I immediately felt very proud of myself and that all the hard work I had done was bearing fruit.

The fact that there are so many injured players and that I could be a key part of the team doesn't scare me, on the contrary, it motivates and stimulates me: I believe in my qualities and potential and I can't wait to show them on the pitch.

The experience with the Primavera team was important for me because I come from a league where they play a different kind of football. It was useful and instructive, it's fundamental for me to adapt to Italian football and I'm happy to have had this opportunity.

I'm in good shape at the moment, both physically and mentally. I was a bit behind at first from the point of view of fitness, but now I've recovered and I'm ready to contribute to the team.

Being a young team is fun and it makes us do our best in training, we motivate each other and push each other to grow and give something more, day after day.

Serie A is one of the best leagues in the world, if you follow football, you can't not follow Serie A. Every game is unpredictable, you never know what can happen and it can occur that a team at the bottom of the table wins against a big team: this makes the league very interesting.

I'm very pleased with the support I feel from Iraq, I often go there on holiday to visit my relatives, I'm very attached to that country and I'm happy that they follow me in this way.

My idols? Definitely, Pablo Aimar, after whom I am named, who was my father's favorite player, but also Ibrahimovic of course: I trained with him at Hammarby, we talked a lot and he’s my role model”.