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D'angelo: "Goal inexplicably disallowed: there's great disappointment"

D'angelo: "Goal inexplicably disallowed: there's great disappointment"

23 April 2024 - 17:12
23 Apr 2024 - 17:12
At the end of the home draw with Sampdoria, coach D'Angelo spoke to the press microphones: “The disallowed goal was valid, without any doubt and the call to the monitor did not even make sense. Against Feralpisalò there had been an obvious push on Hristov and VAR had not intervened, today instead we went looking for the hair in the egg, looking for what is not there and frankly VAR used in this way is killing the sport; in Italy we are using this tool wrongly and putting the match directors in trouble, because today Di Bello, who has great experience, had seen very well and assessed the situation well from the field and I just can't understand why they called him, considering moreover that even the Sampdoria defender was not protesting because he knew there was absolutely nothing.
Until today I have only seen Orsato confirm his decision after being called by VAR, while in general those behind a monitor continue to make decisions indiscriminately without understanding the moment, the situation or the match: behind a monitor they are all fouls because the slightest contact is always there and those who see it from the field must sanction it.
On the hand foul, the match director provided an explanation, but I didn't have a chance to review it, while I reviewed the episode of the goal cancelled to Di Serio and I am honestly very disappointed; I am a serious and correct person, I never attack referee errors, but today the disappointment is really great.
Coming to the match, we played very well, with the right mentality and we absolutely deserved to win; we dominated the match without any doubt, it's a pity for the final draw that really makes us regret.
The team is fine, however, it is clear that the two points lost today are heavy, because we would have deserved them and we had also earned them at one point, so now we will have to focus, regain our composure and work to take what is due in the next matches.”