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Bandinelli: "Group strength to reverse this negative situation"

Bandinelli: "Group strength to reverse this negative situation"

02 December 2023 - 19:55

After the unfortunate ko accrued against Parma, it is Filippo Bandinelli to introduce himself to the microphones of the press: "We interpreted the match well, putting in the field a spirit of sacrifice and great desire, dragged by a great public that until the last has pushed us and that on behalf of the whole team I can only thank. Unfortunately, we were punished by an unlucky episode a few seconds before the final whistle, but we cannot get down, despite the fact that the position in the standings is bad and indeed, we more experienced ones must take responsibility for the situation and drag even the younger ones on our side to get out of this negative period together.
At this point there are two roads: either we get depressed, looking for alibis, or, and this is what we absolutely must do, we compact ourselves, understand the dangerous situation we are in and try to put in every moment of work what is needed to get out of it; the coach is very prepared, he is giving us the right charge and even if the results are not smiling at us, we must give even more because the road taken in the last two games, despite the results, is the right one and I see that the whole group wants with their hearts to get out of this situation.

Personally, I came with here with desire and happiness because I really wanted to and clearly I expected a very different start to the season, but right now what we need is a positive result, because the team is working well and we need to put in that strength, including mental strength, that is necessary to turn things around; unfortunately the injury kept me out for a few games and today in the final I had to leave because of cramps, but I'm happy to be able to be back to give the team a hand.
From Monday we have to start pedaling again, we need the strength of the group to get out of this situation, alone we won't go anywhere; the La Spezia public wants to see attachment and sacrifice and today our fans were exceptional, in a situation where it is not easy even for them, because serial negative results are normal for them to bring frustration and disappointment, but their support is crucial for us and I just have to thank them".