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Aquilotti si nasce: Spezia Calcio supports La Spezia’s newborns

Aquilotti si nasce: Spezia Calcio supports La Spezia’s newborns

13 December 2024 - 10:20
13 Dec 2024 - 10:20

This morning, in the new press room of the “Alberto Picco” stadium, Spezia Calcio officially presented the “Aquilotti si nasce” project, organized in collaboration with the G. Gaslini Institute and ASL5.  

Starting January 1, 2025, Spezia Calcio will distribute a welcome box to all newborns at the Sant’Andrea Hospital in La Spezia. The box will include products designed for early childhood, symbolizing the bond between the club and the local community.  

The press conference featured representatives from Regione Liguria, Gianmarco Medusei, and La Spezia's Municipality, represented by Councillor Pietro Antonio Cimino. Andrea Gazzoli, CEO of Spezia Calcio, expressed his pride in the initiative: “This project was conceived with three main goals: to emphasize the strong connection between the Sant’Andrea Hospital and the region’s premier football club, to enhance the birth experience at Sant’Andrea, and to follow the example set by other major Italian cities where clubs lead not only in sports but also in sociocultural initiatives. We are incredibly proud to have brought this idea to fruition and extend our heartfelt thanks to our partners, especially Dr. Corona and Dr. Sanguineti, whose enthusiasm has been invaluable.”  

Dr. Pamela Morelli, Director of ASL5, added: “I bring greetings from the Regional Health Councillor, Massimo Nicolò, who couldn’t be here today. Both he and I extend our gratitude to Spezia Calcio for this wonderful initiative, which carries a special significance. This is not merely a gesture of welcome for our newborns but also a powerful symbol of belonging to the city and a warm embrace from its football club. This warmth, combined with the professionalism of our medical staff, provides the perfect welcome for babies born at Sant’Andrea.”  

Dr. Maria Franca Corona, Head of Pediatrics and Neonatology at Gaslini La Spezia, remarked: “Our collaboration with Spezia Calcio offers a valuable opportunity to promote the birth services at our hospital and further integrate the Pediatrics and Neonatology departments at Gaslini with the Obstetrics unit at ASL5. We are thrilled about this initiative and look forward to future sociocultural projects that will continue to prioritize the needs of mothers and children. My sincere thanks to Spezia Calcio for their commitment and belief in this idea, which I’m confident will be warmly received by families in our community.”  

Dr. Fabio Sanguineti, Head of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Sant’Andrea, concluded:  
“We are delighted to participate in this initiative, which I believe will be greatly appreciated by the families of our newborns. I thank Spezia Calcio for this outstanding project, which complements the continuous efforts of our medical, pediatric, obstetric, and nursing staff to provide the best care during such a pivotal moment. The results are evident, especially given the nationwide decline in births. For example, we’ve seen an increase from 631 births at this time last year to 685 this year. We remain committed to professional development and initiatives like ‘Nascere nel Golfo dei Poeti’ and ‘Piccole pance,’ which guide families through pregnancy and birth while offering sexual education programs in schools".