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Alvini: "Deserved and wanted victory: now forward on this road"

Alvini: "Deserved and wanted victory: now forward on this road"

02 October 2023 - 12:29
02 Oct 2023 - 12:29
In the aftermath of the match against Feralpisalò, it is Aquilotto coach Massimiliano Alvini who comments on his team's first league win: "It is an important victory, which is really good for our locker room and the whole environment. The final suffering is dictated by the fact that when it's been so long since you haven't won and when you get a goal after a dominated game you get a little bit of fear, but that's normal. Fear has to be absorbed in a different way, it has to be metabolized better, and we will work on that starting from the resumption. It makes me angry that we got a goal at a time when we had the game in hand and we have to improve on that right away. Today winning here was not easy and I am very proud of my boys. 
At the resumption we will face the fact that in the final the team did not please me, because we risked putting in the balance a match that was closed. These are mistakes we cannot afford if we want to pull ourselves out of a difficult standings situation as soon as possible. 
My focus is only on what is to come, I want to look only ahead and not at what was in the past, it was a long time since Spezia won, just as it was a long time since I won, but personally I am happy for the team, the club and the fans more than for myself. I repeat, I'm only focused on what's to come from here on and what we have to do to get going again toward a new challenge.

As far as the tactical situation is concerned, this team can play with a three-man defense, I understood this immediately after Catanzaro, but then for various reasons I had to delay the idea. The important thing is that the team has an important attitude inside, this is the thing that interests me most, then comes the set-up: I want this team to have a soul. 
It was the third game in a week for several players, and I think the team reacted well on a physical level. We gave a lot, both physically and mentally, especially after a final match like this, which used up a lot of mental energy. 
We took the road and against Pisa we will give everything, for ourselves and for those who follow us. We look ahead, we have to redeem the bad performances against Como and Reggiana, and I think in the last two performances we have shown that. Against Pisa we will give everything, we are in full development, the championship is long and we have clear ideas about what we want to do. Regardless of the field where we will play, we are sure that we will honor the commitment and give it our all for those who follow us every day".