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Victory for the 2013s in the international tournament in Lille

Victory for the 2013s in the international tournament in Lille

13 June 2024 - 17:14
13 Jun 2024 - 17:14
Great satisfaction for the 2013 Spezia Calcio team, able to accomplish a great feat, winning the coveted Lille International Tournament, staged last weekend on French soil. 
The Aquilotti, led by coach Marco Spagnoli, were the protagonists of an incredible ride, which saw them overcome match after match all the opponents that stood in front of them, in an inexorable path towards the conquest of first place. 
In a group stage that saw Spezia win four of their five scheduled matches outright, in single 15-minute half-time competitions. Debuts won 8-0 against France's Halluin, followed by victories against Odysee, Portugal's Casa Pia and Lesquin, 3-0, 5-0 and 1-0, respectively. In the last round of the group, defeat against hosts Lille did not dampen the enthusiasm for coach Spagnoli's boys, who finished in second place in the group, with 17 goals scored and just 2 conceded. 
In the quarterfinals, after a 0-0 draw against Cannes in regulation time, Spezia came out on top in penalty kicks, with decisive shots from the penalty spot by Davini, Santin and Prestia, as well as a great save by Lenzoni (awarded at the end of the tournament as best goalkeeper of the competition) giving Spezia access to the semifinals.

Great performance in the semifinals, in a breathtaking match, which the Aquilotti won against Benfica with a clear 2-0, thanks to Santin's double. In the final for first/second place, Spezia faces another Portuguese team, Sporting Lisbon, in two 10-minute halves each. The match turned out to be very tight, battled blow by blow, but in the end it was always coach Spagnoli's boys who came out on top, this time a super goal by Palmeri being decisive, who in the first minutes of the second half collected a rebound from the Portuguese defense and let off an impregnable shot from outside the box that went under the crossbar.
For the Aquilotto Youth Sector, after the great success in the Europe Cup in Sesto Fiorentino a few weeks ago by the Under 13 team, comes another triumph, testifying to the good work done during this season as well.