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"Scuole al picco": Today the sixth appointment

"Scuole al picco": Today the sixth appointment

23 April 2024 - 16:59
23 Apr 2024 - 16:59
Sixth appointment of Schools at the Peak, protagonists this morning were the children of the fifth classes of the Isa 2 “Don Antonio Mori” elementary school, who after being welcomed at the stadium made their way to the Distinti sector, where they collected the testimony of a special guest, Davide Caliaro, Head of the Aquilotto Youth Sector, who told them about his own experience in the world of soccer.  
The young students were then put to the test with a short quiz all about Spezia Calcio, winning numerous Spezia Calcio branded gadgets, which brought joy to the young fans who took part in the day in the temple of La Spezia soccer. 
The event then concluded with penalty kicks on the Picco grass and a group group photo in the Curva Ferrovia, where the children experienced the excitement of stepping on the stands of the pulsating heart of La Spezia's fans, singing the anthem “Non siete soli” and admiring the panoramic view of the Alberto Picco from above. At the end of the day, a new big surprise for the very young La Spezia fans: in fact, all participants in the “Schools at the Picco” project will be guests of the club at one of the next home matches, to experience the stadium also with the magical atmosphere that only La Spezia fans can give.
Below are the dates of the upcoming events:
- Tuesday, April 23
- Wednesday, April 24
- Tuesday, May 7