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Pio Esposito: "Choosing Spezia was easy, I felt great confidence"

Pio Esposito: "Choosing Spezia was easy, I felt great confidence"

17 August 2023 - 18:23
17 Aug 2023 - 18:23
Presentation day at Spezia Calcio, with new Aquilotto striker Pio Esposito presenting himself to the press at the "Marco Simonetti" room at the Ferdeghini Sports Center. 
As always, introducing the press conference was Chief Football Officer Eduardo Macia, who took the floor to introduce Spezia Calcio's new number 9: "Thank you all for being here, today we are here to present a young player, but who as I always say does not look so young, because of his strong personality on the field. A footballer who grew up in the youth sector of Inter, European champion with the National Under-19 team and vice-World champion with the National Under-20 team. 
A new adventure has begun for him, which sees him take the field in a different soccer, the one of the greats, but we have full confidence in his qualities and personality; he has chosen the Spezia project in a very convinced way, I tell you the truth, this is a player we had already looked for even during the Serie A, so our confidence in him is total."
The floor was then passed to the player, Pio Esposito: "Thanks first of all to the Company, for the great trust it has shown in me from the very first moment. As the Director said, the contacts with Spezia began a long time ago and from the beginning I was convinced that this was the best choice for me. 

I made this decision because I felt so much trust from the club right away, the choice so for me was clear right away and I can't wait to start the season and get into the swing of things.
With Salvatore we have always had a good relationship, I always wanted to be a striker, while Salvatore played a bit more forward than the role he plays now, but I have always dreamed of one day being able to play with my brother, because anyway we have always grown up in the soccer fields, supporting each other and it happened often that we followed each other in the various fields of Italy and to have this opportunity is really something unique and special: I can say that it is a dream come true. 
I am happy for this great introduction that the directors have made to me, if I have to be honest the pressure does not scare me and I keep away any worries by working hard on the field, thinking only about improving myself. I feel ready to face this experience and I am very confident, as for the choice of number, on the other hand, nine was free and I chose it without any problem. 
My department mates, Moro and Krollis, are great guys, they have welcomed me wonderfully and I get along very well with them, on and off the field; we can also play in pairs, there is no problem of cohabitation and so we are all really happy with this good relationship that is being created.

One thing that has always helped me is that I have already been playing under leverage for a few years, I came up a year earlier in the Primavera team of Inter, in the national team I was with guys one or two years older, and this thing has undoubtedly formed me faster, because I have always tried to catch up with the others, starting from the back. I know that I have a difficult challenge ahead of me, but I am also convinced that all the goals can be achieved. 
I feel good physically, after the European Championship I took ten days of vacation, which I needed to take a break after a season of almost 70 games, so now I am ready and charged to experience a new season. 
The Serie B league is very competitive, there are many strong teams, there will definitely be a lot of work to do and we will have to think only about growing. But we are strong, we must not hide and we must believe in our goals."
To close word also went to DS Stefano Melissano: "Esposito is a player we strongly wanted since last season and we have to thank both Piero Ausilio and Dario Baccin for the great availability shown and for the trust placed in our club".