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Official | Szymon Zurkowski is a new Spezia player

Official | Szymon Zurkowski is a new Spezia player

12 January 2023 - 16:41
12 Jan 2023 - 16:41
Official | Szymon Zurkowski is a new Spezia player
New purchase at Spezia!
The via Melara club announces that it has acquired on loan with obligation to buy from ACF Fiorentina, Polish midfielder Szymon Zurkowski, who will wear jersey number 77.
Born in 1997, Zurkowski took his first steps as a footballer in the Polish formation of Gornik Zabrze, before landing in Florence at the age of 21 in the summer of 2019, also finding his Serie A debut against Juventus. In January 2020, he went on loan to Empoli in Serie B, where he came close to promotion to the top division, only to win it the following season with a championship as an absolute protagonist. Last season, again with Empoli's jersey, Zurkowski was able to establish himself as one of the best rising talents in the Italian league, strong with a haul of 35 appearances and as many as 6 goals, decisive for the salvation of the Tuscan team.
A tireless midfielder endowed with great technique, physicality and excellent insertion times, Zurkowski has always been in the orbit of the Polish national team, first with the Under-21 team and then also with the senior national team, in which he made his debut in March 2022, in the 1-1 draw against Scotland in a friendly match. In November 2022, despite finding little space in Florence in the first part of the season, he convinced Polish coach Michniewicz to include him in the roster that took part in the World Cup in Qatar, along with Kiwior.
Spezia Calcio also intends to thank ACF Fiorentina for the seriousness and willingness shown during the negotiations that allowed Zurkowski to land in the Gulf of Poets to fight on the ground of the "Picco" together with the Eagles.
Welcome Szymon!