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Bertola: "We need to follow up on today's race"

Bertola: "We need to follow up on today's race"

27 September 2023 - 18:35

Another convincing performance for Aquilotto defender Nicolò Bertola, deployed from the first minute at the center of the defense and protagonist of 90 minutes without any flaws: "We made a good team effort, I am happy because today the team took a step forward, we are on the right path and we have to start from here. I have to thank my teammates, because they are helping me a lot, in all aspects. I was able to do ninety minutes tonight, finishing without cramping, and this is another very positive aspect. 
I am getting on well with my teammates, they help me a lot, day by day as well as during the game. They inspire me to give my best and always stay focused, it takes a lot of work and a lot of sacrifice and I am very happy to be part of this team. 
I try to always be ready, in the two games I have played I have found confidence because of the trust that coach and team are giving me. They tell me to play free and I try to give everything for them. I always feel helped and supported and this is a very important value for a young guy; I just think about giving my best and helping the team. 

The coach tells me to talk a lot with my teammates, especially in the defensive phase there is a need for a lot of communication, to help each other and always be ready. We must always think negative, because the trap is around the corner. Never be quiet and pay full attention, these are the tips the coach gives me the most. 
Tonight we played for each other, we helped each other a lot and this has to be a starting point. We have to restart from this attitude, because the road is the right one, so let's think about working trying to follow up on the steps forward made today, without fear, but with the conviction that we need to rise again".