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Alvini: "Will, commitment and sacrifice, these guys are giving me so much"

Alvini: "Will, commitment and sacrifice, these guys are giving me so much"

29 August 2023 - 12:06

Two days away from the away match against Catanzaro, Aquilotto coach Massimiliano Alvini spoke in his usual pre-match press conference: "These have been important days, in which we have tried to improve the team's physical condition overall. From a technical-tactical point of view, we analyzed what had worked well in the Bolzano match and at the same time we dwelt on correcting the mistakes made. Since the first day of training camp I have always seen from the team great respect, of the rules, of the schedule, of the group, as well as a great desire to work and sacrifice: I want to applaud these guys because they are really giving me a lot. 
The market is still open, so I don't know what the dynamics of the last few days will be, but I can say that I fully trust the work of the management, starting with the choice of the latest signings, Gelashvili and Corradini, who will be able to give us a hand. Corradini is a young guy who has to make a path and he happened to be in the right club to grow and improve, while Gelashvili is a footballer I didn't know, but as I said I have a lot of trust in the club that has bet on him.

So far we have played seven games, all of them competitive, where the team has run its course and shown a certain identity of play. We have been going regularly in goal, in some situations in the defensive phase we have struggled, but this is all part of the journey. The defensive phase involves the whole team and we will all have to work together, to grow and take steps forward, but so far it has been a new path and with what we have done so far I am very satisfied. 
I would have preferred to play instead of resting immediately on the second day and for the league not to have X or Y, not only for me, but for all the teams that are part of the competition. It would be important that the coaches also start to impose themselves so that the market can also end before the start of the championship because all coaches must have a way to work and I am willing to fight for that. 
The Serie B league is very competitive, where identity, spirit and organization are fundamental values to get far. It is very important for a relegated team to settle into this league, which is full of pitfalls, and these first two days reinforce my thoughts on the Serie B championship. I have a hard time identifying a favored team; I only think about giving mine clear ideas and a precise identity.

Catanzaro is one of those teams that has a precise identity, in both phases, coached by a friend like Vivarini and we know it will be a difficult match against an opponent for whom I have great respect. It will be nice to play in Catanzaro, a stadium that has been missing from Serie B for so many years, and it will definitely be a good fixture, in which I want my team to be able to give their best. 
Verde played in the Coppa Italia, he's available, I don't know what the market developments will be, at the moment he's here and if it's his turn it will be important that he plays and gives his best, for himself and for the team, as I want all my players to do. 
Luca Moro? It's the attitude he's putting on the field every day that makes me really happy, it's certainly not the goal the aspect I look at the most, but what's important to me is the attitude, the desire and the willingness he's giving me and all the staff. On Sunday we were the youngest team on the first day of Serie B, we had a lot of young guys on the field and that should make us absolutely proud".