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Alvini: "We deserved the victory, but it is from this spirit that we must start again"

Alvini: "We deserved the victory, but it is from this spirit that we must start again"

27 September 2023 - 18:32
27 Sep 2023 - 18:32
Spezia-Brescia ends in untouched goals and at the end of the challenge of the "Manuzzi" is the Aquilotto coach Massimiliano Alvini to comment on the performance of the Eagles: "The team responded well after a negative match, with a very positive attitude. Unfortunately, it did not turn out well for us and we were not rewarded in the result, it is already the second or third time it happens to us, but this is soccer. When we played badly we always admitted it, today, however, the team as attitude, as desire and as intensity deserved the three points. I feel sorry for the boys, because tonight's was certainly not a dead team. 
Today we did not take goals for the first time in the season and we did not concede chances to a strong and organized team like Brescia. I'm honest, I think with this set-up the road is set, I'm happy with the guys' responses, it takes courage to bounce back and the responses are positive. However, we haven't done anything, we are still struggling and now we have to think only about working hard because we have a fundamental challenge ahead of us on Saturday. Tonight we deserved the victory, but it did not come, in any case we will restart from the attitude we saw today. 

We have to grow with balance, we don't want to make the mistake of a few weeks ago again when after Venice we went backwards, providing a very negative performance against Reggiana. Now we want to follow up on tonight's good performance, in my opinion the best of the year, in terms of spirit and desire, and now we want to continue on this path. We have to improve, slowly and grow to start taking satisfaction from it. 
Pio Esposito entered very well, the boy is well and deserves space, with an Esposito like that I can also afford to play two forwards, we will see what solutions to adopt already from the next engagement. At the same time Moro is a great player, he is working hard and enjoys the trust of me and the whole staff. He must continue to work day by day as he is doing and I am convinced that he will improve, because he is a great player. I have full confidence in him and his potential, it will be up to us to provide him with more goal balls to be able to make an impact. 
Cassata is a great man and he can do very well that role of right outside, he did it also during last season in Terni, I often talk to him and he gave me maximum availability for this solution, he is also growing and improving and I am happy with his performance. Besides him, we also have other solutions, because there are both Elia and Pietra who can fill that role. I am happy with Francesco, having players who put that desire and passion on the field.

Bertola had a very good game, he moved very well and the defensive phase convinced me tonight. He is on a good path and he has to continue like this, in any case all this is not enough, we must not relax and think only about continuing to work, to grow and improve on this path".