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Alvini: "The soul of the team is shaping up, we want to give our best"

Alvini: "The soul of the team is shaping up, we want to give our best"

22 September 2023 - 09:20
22 Sep 2023 - 09:20
Two days after the home match against Reggiana, Aquilotto coach Massimiliano Alvini comments on his team's momentum as follows: 
"I liked Spezia in Venice, I had already said this in the post-match, but unfortunately the performance, which was really good, was not rewarded. Usually with the performance also comes the result, in this case that was not the case and we paid dearly for this aspect. For sure we have our responsibilities, but I can honestly say that the performance we wanted to do was made. However, now that does not matter anymore, we have to look now at what will be in the next game. 
We are trying to catch up on Mühl's recovery, but unfortunately since yesterday Bertola has a fever so he may not be available. It is a pity because he had given a very good performance in the last challenge, now given also the frequent commitments of the next engagements we will consider making the best choices.
At the final whistle in Venice you saw me sorry, because I saw a good performance from the team, just as I was sorry for the fans, who traveled so many kilometers to come see us. We created a lot of opportunities, but we were not able to materialize them, certainly there are some readings that we need to improve, it will be up to us on the coaching staff to work on them to make corrections. 
We worked well during the week, but there are still two days left to complete the preparation. Everything is in flux and the final choices have not yet been made. From the point of view of how the team is expressing itself, I am not unhappy with how it is working, the hope is to move forward and get unstuck and at the same time get all the players back. 
Elia is a player who comes from a major injury, we are happy with his first twenty days here, he has already made two appearances out of two matches in which he was called up, I consider him an offensive player, who can play up front, on the right out, but also on the left. In Venice at that time I inserted him in a lower role, having a lot of field in front to push, with Verde in front of him, but I consider Elia a more offensive player and I will do everything to exploit him in that phase, because in my opinion he has the qualities to make the best of it. 

Reggiana is an experienced team, it has within it players who have been in Serie B for many years, some of whom have even won it, all people with an important resume. A strong team, which was able to draw in Parma and played an important game against Palermo. We know it will be an important, difficult challenge, in which the team will have to give their all. 
In this last year the results have not been good compared to the rest of my career and the criticism forces have also been too heavy, but I certainly cannot stand looking back, I am only focused on what is to come, my only focus to date is Saturday's game, that is my only thought. I want to look ahead and think only about working with my staff, giving our all to turn around this early season".