Requests for press accreditation must be sent to the Club by E-mail, exclusively to the address (requests for accreditation sent to other addresses will not be taken into consideration). Requests must be made by the Directors responsible on headed paper and sent no later than
five days before the match in question, unless specifically communicated (accreditation requests sent late will not be accepted). Accreditations can be collected on the day of the match at the "Stampa e Fotografi" accreditation box located in via dei Pioppi, behind the Curva Ferrovia, or according to the instructions that will be provided by E-mail; being nominal, for the withdrawal it will be necessary to present an identity document.
Access to the press box will not be allowed to TV technicians and it will be possible to accredit only envoys registered with the National Order of Journalists.
Accreditations must bear the following indications:
1. name, surname, date and place of birth, telephone number and e-mail address of the journalist you intend to accredit;
2. photocopy of a valid identity document (identity card, passport or driving license);
3. legible photocopy of the Card of the National Order of Journalists;
4. information on the processing of personal data adequately completed (download here);
5. the request must be signed by the Director in charge of the media concerned (the reference newspaper must be duly registered with the competent Court and the registration number must be indicated in the application).
In the event that the accredited journalist does not show up on two occasions after receiving the authorization from the Club for the withdrawal of the accreditation, the same will no longer be credited for the entire 2023-2024 season.
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